Aromatherapy and its many uses allow us to address all the different levels of the body from our physical body to our energetic bodies. Since the human body is really energy it makes sense to use energy-based products that are in alignment with us to support our body and mind. We have the human body, then we have organs that make up the human body, then we have cells that make up the organs, then we have atoms that are the blueprint for the cells and at the subatomic level, there are electrons, vortexes of energy. Science shows what Einstein said: ‘Everything is energy, including humans.

I have spent hundreds of hours bringing together my Sacred Feminine Women’s Blends, Chakra, Ancestral Healing, and Re-Connect Ranges. I only use 100% pure essential oils and where possible only organic. I am painfully aware of environmental impacts and I source only from reputable and ethical suppliers.

Every oil blend has been crafted with much love, consideration, and attention to detail during  Sacred Shamanic Ceremonies. I have been guided by the Ancestors and Spirit Guides to create this range of essential oils specifically for therapeutic purposes to assist individuals in their healing journey. Each blend has potent energy and should be approached with respect and in honor of the nature spirits and guides that allowed their creation.

Use these Sacred Scent Blends to assist in clearing generational patterning, to move through grief, anger, loss, shame, guilt, and much more. Connect with the wisdom of the ancestors – obtain clarity, connect with your intuition and higher self. Create healthy boundaries, ground fully, and protect your energy. Explore the unlimited potential to heal your body, heal your mind and connect with spirit.

How Does Aromatherapy Work

Aromatherapy is an age-old holistic healing practice that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and wellbeing. Effectively using essential oils allows a therapist to work towards medicinally improving the health of the body, mind, and spirit. Aromatherapy enhances both physical and emotional health.  

Aromatherapy works through the sense of smell and skin absorption. When it comes to the sense of smell, the odor is received by the receptors in the nose and that signal is transferred to the olfactory bulb which is part of the limbic brain. Because smell data doesn’t first travel to the nervous system and instead goes directly to the brain, it is said that smell is the brain’s direct link to the environment. All smells, like all sounds, for example, have their own signature frequency. If they didn’t have their own vibration, we wouldn’t be able to tell one odor from another.

When an essential oil is used in aromatherapy it triggers a response in the brain that sends healing to the body. Similarly, when we apply essential oils topically to the skin this application allows these essential oils to quietly enter the bloodstream by absorbing through the tissue of the skin. It is not advised to apply essential oils neat; they need to be diluted in a carrier oil or you may experience a reaction. 

Aromatherapy Oils can be used in several ways, including:

  • Aromatic spritz/Mist
    • Inhaled
    • Bathing Salts
    • Body oils, creams, or lotions for massage or topical application
    • Facial steams
    • Hot and cold Compress
    • Clay masks
    • Candles

Scientific studies have shown that aromatherapy is a completely legitimate form of medicine. Essential Oils can balance out hormone levels, heal digestive issues/disorders, and dramatically reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety

Benefits of aromatherapy

  • Manage pain
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Reduce stress, agitation, and anxiety
  • Soothes sore joints
  • Treat headaches and migraines
  • Alleviate side effects of chemotherapy
  • Ease the discomfort of labor
  • Fight bacteria, viruses, and fungus
  • Improve digestion
  • Boost immunity
  • Alleviate depression
  • Boost mood and concentration

I hope you enjoy these beautiful blends and oils as much as I enjoyed birthing them.