Shamanic Energy Medicine is a hands-on healing technique that spans over 50,000 years. It is a process that takes you on a journey of the soul, allowing you to break free from limiting beliefs and behaviours, a process that helps your health span equal your life span. Through the process of

  • Illumination – resetting the bodies Luminous Energy Field,
  • Soul Retrieval – bringing back the fragmented wounded parts of the self
  • Clearing generational patterning with the ancestors and reconnecting with spirit

I will lead you on a journey to recover your true essence and the innocence that was lost through trauma, painful life experiences, and loss. A one-on-one shamanic energy medicine session with me will help you master your innate wisdom and wire your brain for joy, health, and longevity.

Shamans believe that the world seems real because this is the way we perceive it, and everything we perceive reflects our direct internal individual map. This is the blueprint each of us has constructed in relation to our reality.

These maps are stored in what the shamans define as the light body or the Luminous Energy Field, and what scientists call the neural networks in our brain. Researchers believe that the light body is produced by electrical activity in the brain and our nervous system. Shamans believe it is what creates and continues to mold the body, the brain, and the nervous system. As we create the energy it then becomes our physical reality.

We now understand through many modalities and therapies what the shamans have known for thousands of years. To change our outer world, we need to begin by changing the inner maps of our minds by healing the imprints and traumas from the Luminous Energy Field where disease originates.

In our modern-day world, we have forgotten what was once so innate in our knowledge. We have become disconnected from our bodies and our intuition. Our medical system focuses on curing disease, by treating an individual’s symptoms and ignoring the other aspects that make up our whole being. We have all at some stage experienced or know someone that has experienced a cure for illness, but how many times have we seen it come back?

Curing a disease or an illness works with the symptoms, whereas healing works on the cause of the symptoms by going back to the origin where the disease first became present, an unresolved trauma that has imprinted in our Luminous energy field.  Energy healing addresses the cause of the disease and the resulting toxic emotions that separate us from joy and health. Self-healing happens when we clear the luminous energy field matrix that envelops and informs our lives.

Shamanic healing enhances the body’s own healing response and focuses on accessing an ongoing state of well-being and perfect health.

During the process of a Shamanic Energy Medicine session, I will take you on a journey of the Soul. A journey where you will reintegrate with the lost aspects of yourself and remember your whole state.

  • Allow yourself to shed the past that no longer serves you.  Repair a brain that has been damaged by a lifetime of exposure to toxins, heavy metals, and stress. Gain clarity and a greater sense of well-being. Through our 10 Day detox of superfoods and neuro-nutrients switch on longevity genes, repair mitochondria of the cells, and begin to grow a new body that heals and ages gracefully.
  • Through Ancestral Healing, you will leave behind tired and worn-out stories, break free from fear, heal the karmic imprints from your families of origin and clear the emotional legacy inherited from your ancestors and former lifetimes.
  • Find peace so that you don’t have to re-live their dramas and diseases. 
  • Release the toxic energies that create illness in the body, confuse your emotions, and fragment your soul.
  • Learn how to shed light on the dark, shadowy aspects of your life. You no longer need to encounter these in your life and in your relationships.
  • Learn how to attain peace and balance through taking responsibility for your life.

By healing the past, we can chart a new course of destiny. You are no longer defined by others, you become the author of your own life story.

  • Together we will eliminate limiting beliefs and recover your lost soul parts that fled as a result of pain and trauma.
  • Let me assist you in rewriting empowered soul contracts that reclaim your joy and innocence in order to step into life with grace.
  • Develop your innate ability to connect with nature, seize opportunities, and know when to walk away.

See what your destiny is offering you and create a brand-new map (energy) to change the world you perceive. Close the doors to the past and open new doorways to a bright future dreaming your dreams into a reality.