A true passion of mine and a journey that has spanned over a period of years is the creation of 66 Flower Essences. Over time there was an emergence of Individual Flower Essence blends, Peninsula Flower Essence Blends, Totem Animal Essences Blends, Chakra Flower Essence Blends, and Ancestral Flower Essence Blends.

Nature and I have created a love affair that resulted in a potent range of Flower Essences. All flower Essences have chosen me at very specific times to come into physical reality and have been created in Sacred Shamanic ceremonies spanning days and even weeks for each essence. Each Essence has a story to tell, a way to guide you through your challenges and teach you lessons that are specific to your Soul’s Journey.

The most beautiful aspect of creating these Flower Essences is they have so many benefits and they can be used by anyone, young or old, furred or feathered. Flower Essences do not discriminate between gender, race, or species.  Flower Essences are gentle and yet powerful in their ability to facilitate healing. They can stimulate our own ability to heal on all levels from emotional, and mental to spiritual.

Flower Essences work on healing the blueprint of our being. Essences address the issue while recognizing you as an intricate being that is composed of many vibrational levels of energy. Flower Essences address our personal and unique energy patterns stimulating lasting and profound change.

How do they work

Flower essences gently move through our layers, bringing awareness to other issues or traits that may be undermining our wellbeing. They may assist you when you are going through a transition,  an upheaval, life changes, or when you want to change patterns or attitudes within yourself and your lives.

Flower Essence Therapy is a complementary modality that helps to support the healing and maintaining of a healthy emotional life, nurturing us on an energetic level, raising our vibration, and connecting us to our Soul Purpose.

Their gentle yet healing abilities help us to improve our mental attitudes, and our emotional patterns and bring us back into alignment with purpose and spiritual connection. Flower essences connect us to Mother Earth through our subtle and energetic bodies grounding us into nature and improving our connection with all living things. 

How do Flower Essences Support our Journey?

Flower Essences help us achieve a more balanced and vibrant life.

Flower Essences give us clarity around our emotions and mental habits

Flower Essences promote stronger feelings of confidence when we share our gifts with the world

Flower Essences support you through loss, transformation, grieving, and preparing to pass on.

Flower Essences support us through life changes and transitions.

Flower Essences help us develop resilience in letting go and starting over.

Flower Essences can prepare us for conception, birth, and receiving new life.

During a Flower Essence Therapy Session, we work with the Flower Essences to find where the blockages might be.  We identify the patterns that need to be resolved and we explore the beliefs that may be holding you in a pattern of dis-ease. We then create an essence combination to support these changes to assist you in building the desired outcome – to free yourself from the past so that you can create the life you wish to live. Integrate, evolve, and reconnect with your true Soul Purpose. Flower essence Therapy supports a profound alchemical transformation and deep comprehensive integration of all the subtle energy bodies realigning the physical body into health and wellbeing.